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Autodesk Autocad 2007 繁體中文光碟正式版(2CD)





Autodesk Autocad 2007 繁體中文光碟正式版(2CD) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 軟體名稱:Autodesk Autocad 2007 繁體中文光碟正式版(2CD) 語系版本:繁體中文版 光碟片數:2片裝 破解說明: 系統支援:WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003 軟體類型:未分類軟體 硬體需求:PC 更新日期:2006/7/20 官方網站:http://elcomsoft.com/actpr.html 中文網站:http://elcomsoft.com/actpr.html 軟體簡介: 銷售價格:160 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 破解說明: 1.關掉主程式,破解檔放置於CRACK夾內. 2.安裝完主程式後,請先執行CRACK夾裡的CRACK.exe,執行破解 3.再來將CRACK夾裡的adlmdll.dll和lacadp.dll複製到C:\Program Files\AutoCAD 2007 資料夾既可破解 軟體簡介: Autodesk Autocad 2007 繁體中文光碟正式版(2CD) 相關網址: http://elcomsoft.com/actpr.html 安裝序號: 111-11111111 中文化說明: 內容說明: 通過草圖和細化達成概念設計,AutoCAD2007讓你用軟體以前所未有的方式創作和實現 想法。 AutoCAD 2007中新增的變化有: 1.工具欄改變成像三維軟體一樣的控件屏,分成多種控制屏,如二維繪圖、三維 生成等。 2.動態UCS,可任意指定某個平面做為工作平面。 3.可創建任意錐形體、螺旋線,並可利用螺旋線生成實體。 4.二維圖形可視化拉成三維。也就是說可以通過滑鼠看到要拉成的三維圖形的高 度變化。 5.可選擇任意實體上的面做拉伸以生成實體。 6.增加了掃掠功能,可沿任意曲線拉伸的同時進行變形、扭曲處理。 7.增加了放樣功能,可對不同形狀進行放樣處理。(從一個形狀過渡到另一個形狀 而形成的實體或面) 8.Slice(切片)命令現在可以利用曲面做為切片面,把實體切開。 9.可以將面變成一定厚度的實體。 10.二維對像、面、實體可以相互轉換。 11.三維實體可以進行一些修改。但還不是參數化。 12.設置光源、進行渲染將更加簡單直接。 13.三維圖可以生成截面圖,也可以生成三維圖形的平麵線圖(也就是在平面中鉤 畫出當前三維視圖的外形) 14.文件可以保存為R14版了。 15.可以輸入和輸出DGN文件格式。 It's What Your Ideas Have Been Waiting For From conceptual design through drafting and detailing, AutoCAD 2007 is all you need to create, visualize, document, and share your ideas. AutoCAD 2007 combines the familiar AutoCAD commands and user interface that you already know with an updated design environment, giving you the power to shape and explore your ideas like never before. Conceptual Design An updated conceptual design environment makes the creation, editing, and navigation of solids and surfaces simple and intuitive. With all the tools in one place, turning your thoughts into designs comes easily. Improved navigation tools enable designers to directly interact with their models during creation and editing, making design alternative exploration more productive. Visualizations Tools No matter where you are in the project lifecycle, AutoCAD 2007 enables you to convey your vision of the design with powerful visualization tools like walk-through animations, and realistic rendering. New animation tools mean you can expose any flaws early in the design process-before they can become problematic. Documentation At some point your design has to be built, and AutoCAD 2007 enables you to quickly and easily turn your design models into a set of construction documents that clearly and accurately depicts what is to be built. Sectioning and flattening tools enable you to work directly from the design model to create sections and elevations that can then be incorporated into your drawings. By eliminating the need to re-create model information for the design document package, you'll save time and money, and avoid any errors that might occur during manual re-creation. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
