Individual ResumeMaker Professional 14.0英文正式版(專業履歷表製作工具)
Individual ResumeMaker Professional 14.0英文正式版
Resume Maker Professional 可製作專業的履歷,用您的專業的推薦信、具有吸引力的名片和附件,
- 用履歷製作嚮導方便完成製作
- 利用內建名片、文具、信頭等工具資源
- 漂亮的圖片使履歷更具吸引
- 專業設計的履歷及求職信範本
- 各種職業的履歷樣本
Is your resume helping you move forward or holding you back? Advance your career and never miss
another career opportunity! ResumeMakerR is packed with powerful features to help you write a
better resume, land a better job, and earn a higher salary. Whether you're actively searching
for a job or just want to get your resume in shape, trust your resume and your career to ResumeMaker.
Professional Resumes That Get Results!
‧ Easy, STEP-BY-STEP Wizards
‧ Examples for 13,000+ Careers
‧ 150,000 Recommended Phrases
‧ IMPORT Your Existing Resume
‧ 1,000 Professional Resumes & Letters
Job Search Tools That Give You The Advantage!
‧ Search 5 MILLION Job Openings
‧ Search 20 MILLION Companies
‧ Distribute at TOP 90+ Career Sites
‧ Salary & Negotiation Tips for 2,500 Careers
‧ JOB AGENTS! Get Jobs by E-mail
Everything You Need to Advance Your Career!
‧ 500+ Virtual Interview Answers
‧ Contact Manager with MAIL MERGE
‧ FREE! Professional FONTS Inside
‧ Publish a WEB RESUME
‧ Create a PDF Resume & Burn your Portfolio to CD/DVD
Other brands of resume-writing software use a one-size-fits-all template. ResumeMaker automatically
determines the best resume for you, given your career situation. Your resume stands out because it
presents your skills, experience, and achievements in the best possible light and demonstrates how
your unique abilities will benefit future employers. It's a proven, professional system that uses the
writing style and designs preferred by certified writers so you'll see instant results and advance
your career more quickly!
Get Noticed. Get Hired!
Write resumes and cover letters that grab employers' attention and keep them interested. Harness the
power of thousands of recommended phrases, hundreds of real-world examples, dozens of professional
styles and Insider Advice you won't find anywhere else.
Advance your Career!
Includes all the tools you need to earn a higher salary, organize your job search, and plan your career.
Practice for the interview and get valuable advice from career experts. You'll wonder how you ever managed
your career without it.
Web-Enabled Features!
Publish your resume as a FREE Web page at ResumeMaker.com. Impress employers by e-mailing resumes that retain
their original, professional format. Distribute your resume to hiring companies and search job openings online
with ResumeMaker's patented Internet features.