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Boilsoft software 6 套軟體超強合輯工具(視頻音訊轉換及剪裁工具)




DVD0442--NDW "0DAY 程式/遊戲/材質/圖庫類合輯:第0228輯" DVD版 (全台首賣)
DBT041--NDW 2003 "AHead燒錄工具軟體" 中英文合輯光碟
DVD12379--Windows7(無人職守安裝 免啟動)+XP SP3(更新到200908 整合SATA驅動 3種安裝模式)+40套軟體自動安裝選單=Win7XP v2.1+Visual Studio Premium 2010繁體中文版+易理研究課程+色彩護照3.3 繁體中文鈦金破解版+Adobe Creative Suite 4 Design Premium CS4 繁體中文 x86.x64版+Adobe Acrobat 9.3.3 PRO繁體中文整合安裝光碟 一次安裝9.3.3到位,不用逐一安裝更新檔(添加破解流程大致圖解)+Delcam PowerMILL9.0 SP2 9003 繁體中文版((內附Crack資料+安裝說明+編程教學))+Maple 14 多國語言 含英文、繁體和簡體(Maple是一套全球知名的符號與數值運算引擎)+網頁設計課程教學+Diskeeper 2010 Pro Premier 14.0.909 硬體工具 多國語言中文版+DVDFab v8.0.6.4 燒錄軟體 讓你製作完美的 DVD 影片製作製作備份 繁體中文免安裝版+Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 (x86x64)繁體中文版+迅連科技 CyberLink All in One 套裝正式版軟體繁體中文
DVD11235-6--Windows Top V1 安裝維修天碟(包含NSDN Win7 (32位) XP 2010年05更新 GhostXP 維護用PE DOS 工具)+135本電腦教學電子書+ViaVioce - IBM中文語音輸入系統 (市價新台幣$4000)+MAGIX Music Maker 16 Premium 酷樂大師(任何人都可以成為作曲家)+網頁設計課程教學+Office大集合繁體中文版(內有2003&2007 win7可正常使用)+經營大企業必備軟體-商業軟體13套 (會計+庫存+薪資+票據+考核) 多國語言版+Adobe CS4 Design Premium 中文版+Crack+PAPAGO M6 FOR PPC 主程式+10Q204V1.0臺灣地圖檔繁體中文版+Corel WinDVD Pro 2010 多國語言版(含繁中)全球首屈一指的藍光及 DVD 播放器軟體+裝機天碟2009(60多種實用軟體合成一片dvd)(購買此套6片DVD特價1000元計價免郵資不再贈片)(全部都是最新版的)(獨家 僅有本站才可買的到)
DVD0466--NDW "0DAY 程式/遊戲/材質/圖庫類合輯:第0252輯" DVD版 (全台首賣)





Boilsoft software 6 套軟體超強合輯工具(視頻音訊轉換及剪裁工具)



1. AVI.to.VCD.SVCD.DVD.Converter v3.02
Boilsoft AVI to VCD-SVCD-DVD Converter 2.48 這個成批 AVI 轉換器允許你轉換 AVI
文件到能夠被利用的 VCD, SVCD 和 DVD 格式文件。允許 NTSC 或 PAL 格式反之亦然
。支援 AVI, DivX, MPEG1, MPEG2和 MPEG4 格式。
AVI to VCD/SVCD/DVD Converter is a powerful Batch AVI Converter, it lets
you easily to convert AVI files to VCD/SVCD/DVD format files that can be
played on your VCD/DVD Player. It allows to specify NTSC or PAL format of
output file, PAL-to-NTSC conversion and vice versa. supports for AVI, Divx,
MPEG1, MPEG2, and MPEG4 formats. The very user-firenldy interface lets you
easily preview video files and batch convert.
AVI to VCD, AVI to MPEG, AVI to SVCD, AVI to DVD all-in-one!
Support convert AVI to VCD
Support convert AVI to SVCD.
Support convert AVI to DVD
Support convert AVI to MPEG
PAL-to-NTSC conversion and vice versa.
Support Batch convert.

2. ASF Converter v2.68
轉asf或wmv至avi/mpeg檔 ASF/WMV 轉 AVI、MPEG,AVI 轉 ASF、WMV, MPEG 轉 ASF、
ASF Converter lets you easily to convert Windows Media files (.asf, .wmv)
to AVI/MPEG files, AVI to ASF/WMV files, MPEG to ASF/WMV files, It' easy
and fast!
Convert ASF, WMV to AVI, Divx, Xvid
Convert ASF, WMV to MPEG-1, MPEG-2
Convert AVI to ASF/WMV
Covnerter MPEG to ASF/WMV
Support Batch convert.

3.RM Converter v3.25
rm/rmvb 轉成 DVD、VCD、SVCD、MPEG-2、MPEG-1、AVI、DivX、Xvid,操作簡易快速完
Boilsoft RM Converter lets you easily to convert Real Media files(*.rm, *.
rmvb) to AVI, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, VCD, SVCD, DVD files
Convert rm, rmvb to AVI, DivX, Xvid
Convert rm, rmvb to Standard MPEG-1
Convert rm, rmvb to MPEG-1 with VCD extensions(VCD).
Convert rm, rmvb to Standard MPEG-2
Convert rm, rmvb to MPEG-2 Super Video CD extensions(SVCD).
Convert rm, rmvb to MPEG-2 with DVD extensions(DVD).
Support Batch Convert.

4.RM to MP3 Converter v1.47
ra轉wav.mp3檔 rm/ra/ram轉成wav、mp3格式,操作簡易快速完成。
RM to MP3 Converter lets you easily to convert Real Audio files (.rm, .ra, .
ram) to MP3 and WAV files, and Extract Audio from Real Video files. It'
easy and fast!
Convert RM to MP3, WAV
Convert RA to MP3, WAV
Extract Audio from Real Video file
Support Batch Convert
Very User-friendly interface.

方便好用的影片分割、剪裁工具。AVI Splitter 支援 AVI、Divx 以及 MPEG 影片的分
割,可輕鬆幫使用者將影片分割成數個影片,方便收藏。 AVI Splitter & MPEG
Splitter 支援的檔案可超過 2GB。分割速度快速,且可保有原來的影片品質。
AVI/MPEG/ASF/WMV Splitter is a tool to split, cut or trim a large AVI,
MPEG, ASF or WMV Video file into smaller video clips. Using the included
video player, you can easily split AVI, MPEG, ASF or WMV Video file by time
or the selection as needed. Our Video Splitter is the most efficient and
fastest in the market.
Video Splitter -- AVI Splitter, MPEG Splitter, ASF Splitter, WMV Splitter
Support split AVI, Divx, MPEG-4 video files
Support split MPEG-1, MPEG-2 video files.
Support split ASF, WMV, WMA files
Support split VCD (.dat) file
Support split AC3 file
Support large video file, even large then 2GB.
Very fast and without any quality loss.
Very User-friendly interface.

6.AVIMPEGRMWMV Joiner v4.81
影片合併工具 - AVI/MPEG/RM Joiner,支援 AVI、RM、MPEG-1、MPEG-2、MPEG-4、
DivX、VOB 影片的合併,將多個影片合併成一個單一的影片檔。
Our AVI/MPEG/RM/WMV Joiner (formerly AVI/MPEG/RM Joiner) is the comprehensive
and easy solution!!
Using our AVI/MPEG/RM Joiner, you can Merge / join multiple AVI, MPEG(MPG),
RM(Real Media) or ASF/WMV video files into one "non-stop" file. It's easy and
fast! Just a couple of mouse clicks, you can enjoy your movie clips without
AVI Joiner, MPEG Joiner, RM Joiner, WMV/ASF Joiner all-in-one.
Support join AVI, DivX, MPEG-4 files.
Support join MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video files.
Support join RM, RMVB files.
Support join ASF, WMV, WMA files
Join video files as many as you want.
Scramble and rearrange the video clips in the sequence that you exactly
Very User-friendly interface.
