The Gnomon Workshop Anatomy Workshop Volume 2 視頻教學 英文教學版(DVD9一片裝 此片售價250元)
In this lecture, the second title in a series on human
anatomy as it relates to figurative art, figure painter and
instructor Charles Hu expands on the structure and
proportion principles discussed in his first lecture,
translating them into a live figure drawing studio
environment. Charles begins this lecture by discussing the
principles of shading and light to describe three
dimensional forms, as he will be demonstrating shading
techniques later in the lecture. Here, Charles discusses
topics like the difference between core shadow and cast
shadow, direct light versus bounced light, and how to find
the 'true' color or value of a form under complex lighting
conditions. He then moves on to drawing the figure from a
live model in a studio environment. He begins by laying in
the figure, employing the principles covered in his first
lecture, identifying the key structural landmarks on the
live model, then demonstrating some new techniques to help
maintain correct proportions under real world drawing
conditions. He proceeds to do 'lay-ins' for the figure in a
standing position from the front, a seated figure from the
front view, and lastly the standing figure from the back to
illustrate how to draw the same figure from various angles
and different poses. The last phase is to shade and refine
one of the drawings to take it to a more finished state. He
decides on the standing figure from the front view. Charles
begins by blocking in the cast shadows and then the core
shadows on the figure. He then refines the shading to
include bounced light and highlights by pulling those areas
back out with an eraser. The final finishing stage involves
going back in to add some more detail back into the
shadows, and pull out some final bounce light areas.