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Sony MediaSoftware Continental Drift World Music 24BiT WAV ACiD 英文正式版(音效素材)(CD2片裝)





Sony MediaSoftware Continental Drift World Music 24BiT WAV ACiD 英文正式版(音效素材)(CD2片裝) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 軟體名稱:Sony MediaSoftware Continental Drift World Music 24BiT WAV ACiD 英文正式版(音效素材)(CD2片裝) 語系版本:英文版 光碟片數:2片裝 破解說明: 系統支援:WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003 軟體類型:音效素材 硬體需求:PC 更新日期:2010/6/21 官方網站: 中文網站: 軟體簡介: 銷售價格:160 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 軟體簡介: Sony MediaSoftware Continental Drift World Music 24BiT WAV ACiD 英文正式版(音效素材)(CD2片裝) 【內容說明】★◇以下中文譯文說明僅供參考,實際軟體內容請依參考網址介紹為準◇★ 各式各樣和真實的聲音,對電影和多媒體創作有很大的發展空間,喜歡收藏 Sample CDs 與 LOOPs 音色取樣光碟的朋友又有福了,在 BBS 很多同好跟 HoneR 建議多收藏一些 Sample CDs 與 LOOPs 音色取樣光碟的朋友,小弟沒讓你們失望 了吧,這套音色取樣的特色有著多變化的生成套件工具與 Loops 形態音色播放, 說到取樣光碟我想各位同好都比小弟了解,不用小弟在此出糗多作介紹了吧! 高音質音樂資料庫,它除了提供給你超聽覺的感受外,更有一般單音道或是電子 樂所無法表現的音場、音質,所以這絕對是音樂的愛好者或是有音樂工作需要的 最高級聖品,而且這些音樂資料庫的單價都不低哦 Continental Drift: World Music Loops & Samples is an exclusive Premium Collection title featuring African, Asian, Arabic, Celtic, East Indian, Gypsy, and Native American sounds. A rainbow of music?ssential percussion and stringed instruments, unusual and hard-to-find instruments, and a large selection of inspired vocal performancesre offered here in a flexible package well-suited to a variety of applications. Far from being a watered-down presentation of esternized?world music with a ew age? feel, Continental Drift was specifically designed to bridge the sonic and aesthetic gaps between authentic field recordings and the rarified air of the formal recording studio environment, while upholding the ideals of great loop library design?solation of the instruments, integrity on every track, and a level of organization that inspires producers to keep coming back for more. Meticulously tracked and processed through vintage and modern vintage front end gear, the resulting avalanche of 24-bit sound was painstakingly edited by Paul Vnuk before being tweaked and assembled by James Johnson and Leo Cavallo hree sample library producers with an intimate knowledge of what it takes to make a great title hang together just right. We invite you to utilize Continental Drift as primary royalty- free source material for crafting traditional-sounding music, as well as a resource base for augmenting popular music genres and hybrid forms. In every case, these sounds will flow with ease into your projects and help make them uniquely your own. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
